
Baobab Platinum Luxury Bottle Diffuser


2 Ltr
5 Ltr

The Totem Platinum diffuser will be a precious object in your interiors, as it references the metal from which it draws its name. The glass, hand-blown by our glass artisans, is delicately painted with a platinum tint. The glazed ceramic cap, both matte and bright, is delicately decorated with a lozenge motif that references tribal patterns. The perfume and sticks are included.

Pickup available at Showroom Location

Usually ready in 2-4 days

Baobab Platinum Luxury Bottle Diffuser

2 Ltr

For Pick Up orders please note that one of our customer care team members will be in touch to confirm where the item will be available to collect. This is not a selectable option and will be determined on where the item is located.

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